It's just months since Qualcomm announced their newest, most powerful processor yet, the Snapdragon 800. As on Nov. 20, Qualcomm officially introduced the "next generation mobile processor of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 tier", the Snapdragon 805 processor.
So what is Snapdragon 805? Let' put it in a bullet form so you can easily understand it.
Qualcomm said that the Snapdragon 805 processor is:
- The first processor that support Ultra HD resolution or also known as 4K resolution.
- Designed to deliver highest-quality mobile video recording, imaging and graphics at Ultra HD resolution.
- It features the newest Qualcomm's GPU, the Adreno 420 which they said that it is capable of producing 40% more graphics processing than its predecessor, Adreno 330.
- Krait 450 quad-core Processor CPU, the first mobile processor that has a clocked speed up to 2.5GHz per core, plus superior memory bandwidth support of up to 25.6GB/sec.
- It has the ability to stream high quality video content using less power.
So what are your thoughts on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 Processor?
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